Student Expectations and Guidelines


Student Expectations and Guidelines

  1. Student is enrolled in one course until it is completed.  DO NOT go by the completed task bar in OdysseyWare, your teacher will message you when your course is complete.  
  2. 70% accuracy is required on all course work. 70% on Credit Recovery Mode classes. Regardless as to what the program states; you must wait for confirmation from your instructor or guidance counselor to inform you that you have successfully completed the course and earned the credit. Semester courses are expected to be completed within one quarter.  
  3. When taking a class in Credit Recovery Mode (CRx) it is important that you take the Alternate test only 1 time. If it shows more than one attempt, regardless of the outcome, you will be assigned every lesson and project in that unit to complete again. Moral of the story – don’t try to cheat the system. Credit Recovery courses will be evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis. *To access a course in Credit Recovery, use the mouse and scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the course link.  
  4. Use LOGOUT button to exit from the program.  
  5. Complete the assignments in the order listed on your screen. Assignments not completed in full or to the expectations required will be reassigned.
  6. Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure is required. Essays should be the proper length – at least one page, unless otherwise specified. 
  7. Make sure that your answers are clearly recorded and reference what question/option/activity you are responding to. 
  8. If you choose, you can create projects offline. Submit brochures, posters, papers, etc. in printed form. Simply tell your instructor your intention to hand in a hard-copy assignment and leave it at the front office of the high school. ** Put your instructor’s name, your name, course title, and the assignment name on your project.**
  9. You decide the success of this program. Students caught plagiarizing, cheating, or misusing the program will automatically be removed from the program and lose the credit.
  10. You can always work ahead in your coursework but make sure you do not fall behind in your coursework.  It WILL be too labor intensive for you to play ‘catch-up’ the last week of the term. Translation: work not completed = failed course.
  11.   Whenever you have a question about a specific assignment it is your responsibility to contact your instructor ASAP. Use the text box to write your question or the Message Center to contact your instructor. Make sure to tell him/her what course and assignment your question relates to. 
  12.  WHEN YOU FINISH YOUR COURSE, notify your OdysseyWare teacher using the message center.  .